Founder of Dr.Pet-Borii, Dr. Choi has more than 30 years’ extensive experience in Veterinary Radiology specialized in small animals. Dr.Pet-Borii can offer high-quality imaging services and interpretations for Clinical veterinarians and related personnel.
Dr.Pet-Borii service is developed on a cloud environment which allows simple to use platform for image transfer and reporting. Client can upload and request a report from any place anywhere with a brief history and signalment for your case. DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) services will be also developed in a near future so that the clients can easily aid the distribution and viewing of medical images.
Dr.Pet-Borii plans to develop a AI-based imaging reading system, which could be later used in countries like Asia and Europe where small breed animals are common. This can help any veterinarian use our AI platform for accurate diagnosis on small animals.